KUKA Partes separadas

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Netzgerät 30A PH803-2830 part 110699

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Akkumulator 12V Part 115723

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Safety-bus gateway 2 part 113032

Safetyboard for Kuka KRC2 cabinets with E60 gateway option

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KSD1-48 Servomodul UL

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KSD1-16 Servomodul UL

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KRC2 PC part 121154

PC for Kuka KRC2 cabinet including MFC and DSE-IBS-C33

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FB Interbus PCI LWL part 115115

Interbus fiber optic master-slave interface PCI board for KRC2 and KRC2 Ed05 cabinets

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GWA C an 00105361 counterbalance system

Spring counterbalance system for Kuka -2 S2000 6 axis industrial robots mounted onto the ceiling

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gwa 180-210 A. Nr. 00-109-363

Spring counterbalance system for the Kuka following Kuka S2000 6 axis industrial robots: KR180 and KR210

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pma53v-y15da-74 A. Nr. 00-104-698

Kuka AC-Servomotor A. Nr. 00-104-698 for the following models and axis: KR150-180-210 S2000 and axis 4-5 and 6. Power: 3.6 kw

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KUKA KRC2 Retrofit kit for counterbalancing system up to 210 KG ART NO:00--109--365

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KUKA KRC2 Counterbalancing system, adaptable to 180 KG Floor, ART NO:00--106--222

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KUKA KRC2 Counterbalancing system for KR125-200 Roof ART NO:01--040--047

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KUKA KR C2 KR 350/2Arm extension L = 200, PART No:00-103-467

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KUKA KR 180 S2000 Gear unit A 1, PART No:00-104-982

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