Robotic welding programming is a complex task. Robotic welding applications have been profitable for large manufacturers due to increased productivity, but medium sized businesses are finding it hard to incorporate these robots in their business due to various challenges that are associated with programming.
One major reason is the length of time that is required to program a change in product lines. In addition to this, here are five major challenges that companies face today while programming robots:
Programming Tools
The inappropriate use of programming tools and the unavailability of quality tools is a major challenge that is faced. To overcome this challenge, make sure that you work with programming tools from various robot manufacturers. Computer control systems vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and model to model, thus make sure that the most appropriate tool is selected.
Length of Programming
Programming is a lengthy process as each joint and segment of the robot arm needs to be considered while programming. Changes in arcs and joint angles also have to programmed, which lengthens the process even more. Thus, make sure that you carefully program the path plan and trajectory of each linkage.
Accelerations and Decelerations
Designating the speed for each coordinated movement is a tough ask. All the movements need to be specified with an appropriate acceleration and deceleration of each joint. Thus, the whole process gets complicated.
Sensor Inputs and Outputs
Defining sensor inputs and outputs is a challenge in itself. Additional programming needs to be learned by the experts so that a robot can use sensors as inputs and outputs as a binary signal. This will help it in selecting programs and perform specific actions which it is programmed for.
Shortage of Available Skilled Employees
An in-house programming expert is needed for programming purposes. Additionally, in-house welding knowledge to fine-tune the robot is required. In today’s fast-paced and evolving business world, programming tools differ from company to company. Every time a company buys a new welding robot, the learning process starts again. The programming process also differs each time the robot is changed, making it difficult for experts to adapt to the changing programming techniques.
Buying high quality robots can reduce these programming challenges associated with welding robots. We, at Used Robots Trade, offer high quality used industrial robots for sale at affordable prices. Robot Brands that we offer include KUKA, ABB, Motoman, Kawasaki and many more.