In a world where technology advances by leaps and bounds, compact and versatile robots are becoming key allies in education and scientific research. Among these, Dobot robots stand out not only for their small size but also for their significant impact on shaping the minds of the future and at the forefront of research. Dobot
In the last few decades, the intersection between industrial robotics and art has generated an exciting field of creative exploration. Particularly, the application of carving robots in three-dimensional sculpture has revolutionized the way sculptural artworks are conceived and created. In this article, we will explore the impact of industrial robotics on sculpture, highlighting how technological
Amid the global pandemic and growing concerns about the environment, leading industrial robotics companies such as KUKA, ABB, Motoman and FANUC played a crucial role in adapting to new safety, hygiene and environmental regulations. These companies have demonstrated exceptional commitment to creating innovative solutions that not only ensure worker safety but also contribute to environmental