KUKA KR210 KR180 KR150 K-2 Shelf series 2000
Robot details
This is a shelf version of KR150 KR180 KR210 series 2000 robots with the same reliability, versatility and durability. It can multi task acting as a top loader and at the same time carrying out finishing of produced parts.
The robots have six axes with different reaches of 3900, 3300 and 3100 respectively. They can comfortably bear loads of up to 210 kg and have a good repeatability of 0.1 mm. It is highly suited for various industrial applications including gluing, assembly of parts, handling, machining loading and unloading, etc.
The machine is easily programmable as it uses the KRC2 control cabinet which is integrated into Microsoft Windows interface with ready made software packages. It is expandable with two excess slots for external axes. Also provided is the motion profile function for interaction between individual motors and their velocity.
Connection with other networks is also possible through the different interaction protocols such as INTERBUS, PROFIBUS and DeviceNet. The operator can easily locate errors through the data from floppy disk and CD-ROM drives. All these features in this compact machine give real value for money.
Robot applications
- Press tending
- Loading and unloading of parts
- Machining
- Handling of parts
- Spotwelding
- Palletising
- Glueing - Adhesive bonding
- Assembly of parts
Robot Info
- Maximum Load of Robot: 210/150 Kg
- Maximum Reach: 3100/3500 mm
- Repeatability: 0,1 mm
- Controller: KRC2
Robot Motion Speed
- Axis 1: 88º/s
- Axis 2: 74º/s
- Axis 3: 81º/s
- Axis 4: 121º/s
- Axis 5: 120º/s
- Axis 6: 184º/s
Robot applications
- Press tending
- Machine tending
- Loading and unloading
- Coating and bonding
- Handling
- Assembly
- Palletizing and order picking
- Spotwelding
- Glueing
- Machining