Robot details

Industrial robot KR210 R2900K Shelf six axes. It's fast and precise robot with a payload capacity of 210 mm and arm range of 2,900 mm, it has a repetition accuracy of less than ± 0,06 mm. Suitable for general handling, arc welding and machining operations that require short time cycles.

KR C4 - Newest Kuka controller

More powerful, safer, more flexible, and above all more intelligent. The revolutionary concept of the KR C4 provides a firm foundation for the automation of tomorrow. It reduces costs in automation for integration, maintenance and servicing. The long-term efficiency and flexibility of the systems are increased at the same time. For this reason, KUKA has developed a new ground-breaking, clearly-structured system architecture that concentrates on open and powerful data standards. In this architecture, all integrated controllers – from SafetyControl, RobotControl, and MotionControl to LogicControl and ProcessControl – have a joint database and infrastructure which they use and share intelligently.

Robot applications

Main specifications

  • Maximum Load of Robot: 210 Kg
  • Number of axis: 6
  • Maximum horizontal reach: 2900 mm (shelf)
  • Repeatability: ±0.05 mm
  • Controller: KR C4
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