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Used robot KUKA KR30/3 Krc2 Ed.05

Industrial KUKA robot under test

Used robots cleaning CO2 The best way to clean dirty industrial machines is by using dry ice. This process is new and uses solid CO2 pellets “dry ice” to undergo the cleaning. It is often used for industrial work and the pellets sublimate convert directly from a solid blast pellet to a vapor (CO2) leaving no residue. The process is much better than sand blasting, glass bead blasting and other types of cleaning methods.

Motoman robots fight!!!

Motoman robots Show

Fanuc welding robots - GREAT Twin cell

Fanuc welding robots - Twin cell

Fixing Used robots electricalcomponents

Fixing Used robots electrical components

Used robots packaging - KUKA Kr360 krc2

Refurbished robot - packaging station
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