Why a used robot
UsedRobotsTrade can offer you used robotics solutions, which will allow you to save up to 60% in comparison to the purchase of a new robot. A used robot is an opportunity to return the cost of robotic system in a shorter span of time.
An used robot is paid off in 17 to 19 months. An used robot is a solution that: Diminish the cost of production, Warrants the quality of your product, Puts down the cost of employees, Lower risks, Makes better your productivity.
Increased quality of products
Using industrial robots helps to perfect quality of products in a manufacturing plant. Every application is done accurately and repeatability time is very high. This consistency is not possible when using human beings for such jobs.
Lowered risks
Robots are left to work in the manufacturing firms and eliminates need for people to work in risky areas. Human beings are only given the role of supervising and do not have to do dangerous jobs in risky places.
Lowered costs
With increased safety and high speed production, a business saves a lot of money. Robots will not require healthcare insurance and they will work tirelessly sithout risking getting demontarations from workers claiming increased salaries or reduced working hours. They make precise movements and minimize wastage of materials. Robots only require maintainence costs and the initial payment of buying them. Their return on investment surpasses all the costs once they are implemented. A business can recover the costs in between 6 and 12 months after they start using robot systems.
Enhanced production
Robots work through out the day and even night at a high speed, this automatically increases production. Automated robots will not need lunch hour, sleep and vacation breaks and therefore will produce much more than people can. The part cycle times are dramatically decreased compared to the traditional manufacturing methods.
The Down Side of Robots
Expensive to buy
The initial cost of automated robot system could be expensive for most investors. It is usually complicated for any business espcially operating on a tight budget. Before you buy it, you must be sure that you will be in a position to meet the maintainence costs. For a robot to function smoothly it must be maintained properly. Refurbished robots help with the initial cost barrier as the price of a used robot is about 60% of a new one.
ROI(Return on Investment) is only possible with proper planning
Once you buy the robot system, it does not guarantee you increased profits, you need plan properly. Many companies have ended up being dissapointed for lack or poor business planning.
Training is required
After a business has bought robots, they need to take their employees for training on how to use the new equipment. This means a business has spend more money and time before they can start using the robots. In this case we can give free training to our clients in our warehouse.
Robots enhance safety in a business, but at the same time create some risks to the workers. The new dangers that come with robot systems must be considred to prevent any possible accidents.
You already know whether to buy an automated robot or not at this point. However, if you want to know more talk to us on 0034 600 987 748 and will help you get the right option for your business.