Imagen de KUKA
When we adopt new technology for our factory we try to find the best, but we also want all this integration of equipment and programs and start-up to be the simplest.

Robotic automation and technology provider KUKA presents us with a new option According to the modular design principle, the robot can be quickly and easily integrated into production by programming. The platform was developed by KUKA to make the integration of robots in an industrial environment more feasible.

Currently robots must be programmed to perform operations such as manipulating components, welding, assembling, bonding; among others that are more complex.

The new software is designed to help KUKA robots integrate without the need for special programming skills.

It has many features that can reduce training needs and increase productivity.

Another important feature is that new programmers looking for an introduction to robotics can also use this platform just like professionals.

The objective of KUKA.AppTech is to create standard routines more quickly, allowing the customer to take advantage of the time to perform other particular couplings that he requires, that is, this new platform can reduce programming to a minimum. The KUKA.AppTech solution stores the most frequent motion programs and processes and can be quickly activated and integrated to customer requirements.

This innovation provides coordinated routines to avoid blocking by robots. Beneficiaries will receive a programming instruction for special robotic tasks.

Wolfgang Wanka, Head of Department for Application Programming at KUKA commented: “Small and medium-sized companies have great potential to automate their processes with the help of robots.”

“However, few programming skills are often an obstacle. With KUKA.AppTech we solve this problem.”

 There is the option to reprogram and adapt the solution to complex equipment

Among the benefits of KUKA.AppTech is:

  • The programming system generates a more effective compatibility method
  • Standardized PLC interface facilitates integration with multiple Equipment
  • Contains programs designed to facilitate programming tasks by providing an intuitive interface

This is a new modular programming solution designed by KUKA to facilitate the adoption of robotic automation to the wide variety of startups.

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