Other Robots COMAU SMART 5 ARC4 C5G controller

Robot details

The latest generation of Comau Company, controlled by the C5G controller, the Comau Smart 5 Arc4 is offered with the Fronius TPS4000 welding machine. The arm's extension is 1952mm for 5kg of payload.

Robot applications

Robot specifications

Axes: 6

Max reach: 1951mm

Payload: 5kg

Controller : C5G

Movement speed of the robot in º / s
• Axis 1: 170º / s
• Axis 2: 175º / s
• Axis 3: 185º / s
• Axis 4: 360º / s
• Axis 5: 375º / s
• Axis 6: 550º / s

Movement range (Axis 1 to 6)
• Axis 1: +/- 180º
• Axis 2: from + 155º to -60º
• Axis 3: from + 110º to -170º
• Axis 4: +/- 185º
• Axis 5: +/- 123º
• Axis 6: +/- 270º


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