Other Robots Comau Smart5 Arc 4 with Fronius TPS4000 synergic welding and H positioner

Robot details

The latest generation of Comau Company, controlled by the C5G controller, the Comau Smart 5 Arc4 is offered with the Fronius TPS4000 welding machine. The arm's extension is 1952mm for 5kg of payload.

The positioner has 750kg payload and 2000mm from tip to tailstock

Robot applications

Robot specifications

Axes: 6

Max reach: 1951mm

Payload: 5kg

Controller : C5G

Movement speed of the robot in º / s
• Axis 1: 170º / s
• Axis 2: 175º / s
• Axis 3: 185º / s
• Axis 4: 360º / s
• Axis 5: 375º / s
• Axis 6: 550º / s

Movement range (Axis 1 to 6)
• Axis 1: +/- 180º
• Axis 2: from + 155º to -60º
• Axis 3: from + 110º to -170º
• Axis 4: +/- 185º
• Axis 5: +/- 123º
• Axis 6: +/- 270º

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