Industrial Robots with Laser


The evolution of robotic engineering has led companies to evolve and improve the quality of their products, meaning that each production line must be efficient, precise and fast. In order to achieve this, industrial robots have a world of possibilities, among which is the laser system enabling different tasks to be performed without interrupting the machining process and more functions to be delegated within the same production line with the same program, with quality control and accuracy being the priorities when in operation.

Among the industries that require this type of laser system are the automotive, ceramics, metal, beverages, footwear, textiles, wood and welding industries, where this type of laser application requires delicacy when carrying out the process. The advantage of using these types of robots with laser is their precision and a lower percentage of failures, as they are controlled by specific programs from a computer where the parameters and details that execute the tasks or processes are input by an operator whose priority is increased efficiency, better quality control and time-savings.

Usedrobotstrade provides us with a wide range of options, including the Trumpf Haas Laser – Trumph HL 4006D, which is a solid-state, high-performance welding laser that is cost-effective, also providing us with spare parts for this type of industrial laser robot.

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