“Let’s not be afraid of technology, it’s our ally” is the phrase used by José Hipólito, co-founder of the Global Robot Expo in an interview with a digital media source.
The appreciation of automation has not been well introduced to the industrial sector as it is thought to be a cause of unemployment. Robotics seeks to create new jobs related to the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of this equipment, the increase in manufacturing requires job creation in order to give way to new products, thus creating opportunities in the services, logistics and distribution industries. A report prepared by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimated that 9 to 12 million new jobs were created in robotics between 2000 and 2016 in six countries studied (USA, Germany, Japan, Korea, Brazil and China). Some companies would not exist without this technology, it would not be possible for them to do their work. What robots have achieved is performing tasks in which a level of precision and quality is needed that can only be achieved with this technology, without forgetting about all the stress-producing work that is repetitive, heavy and can be dangerous to human labor.
New figures from companies that automate show a skilled labor deficit in 2016 of 80% in the area of power, IT, programming, welding and storage, from which we can conclude that during this century the people who are adequately prepared are those who improve their way of life.
Taking this into account, we agree that in order to be competitive in the globalized world we are facing today, we must make use of these new technologies. If our company automates then it will have a greater chance of staying in the market.
We must take advantage of the existence of companies that give us used industrial robots at low prices with the same quality of a new robot, such as Usedrobotstrade.com which gives us the opportunity to begin automating our company, with good counseling and collaboration from its worldwide partners.