In the Production and Processing line, KUKA Robotics displayed its extensive product line of automation solutions tailored to this segment of the industry.
Food processing industries can now use robots to automate processes that were previously difficult, if not impossible, to automate thanks to this diverse range of products.
The KUKA Food Series is available in a range of KR 40 PA, KR 50 PA, KR 100-2 PA, KR 180-2 PA and KR 150 robots optimized for packaging and palletizing applications. From 2-axis packaging to 4-axis palletizing to 6-axis palletizing and handling, these devices provide robotic solutions.
The Food Series has an IP-65-rated robotic arm, food-grade oil, and a USDA-certified white robotic coating that is designed to resist standard industrial sanitizers.
According to Stuart Shepherd, President of KUKA Robotics Corporation. “KUKA robots can now meet the demands of the food industry thanks to the new Food Series option. Our food processing customers want the flexibility of robots operating in humid conditions and with typical industrial sanitizers.”
According to Shepherd, KUKA is uniquely positioned to offer a Food Series product ranging from 2-axis packaging to multi-palletized merchandise due to the wide range of products on which the Series option is available. Food.
This system improves efficiency throughout the life of a machine by standardizing control components, simplifying the automation architecture, reducing the overall corporate footprint, and providing an intuitive interface between the user and robotic team.

If you need more information, please, contact us: we will be ready to help you and to discover the best solution for your project.

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